Frank Street
Picturesque scene lined with lush, vibrant trees that create a serene and inviting atmosphere
Harte Street
Neat streets and homes surrounded by green trees and grass
Rock hyrax emerging from its burrow
Die Wilgers Residents Association (DWRA) serves the residents within the suburb, proclaimed as Die Wilgers.
The DWRA was established to serve the greater community by:
- Creating and maintaining channels of communication between residents
- Addressing property development concerns
- Liasing with Wards councellors to raise and follow up concerns related to infrastructure and municipal services
- Monitor the declared open spaces, such as the Oulandsloop park in the centre of Die Wilgers, and the Tennis courts in the East of Die Wilgers.
Residents in Die Wilgers are encouraged to join the DWRA and its interest groups, by joining the following Whats App groups.
- DWRA Residents Group – DWRA Community Announcements are made using this group
- DWRA Security Group – interactive group
- DWRA Property Group – interactive group
- DWRA Buy & Sell Group – interactive group
- Die Wilgers Residents Group – interactive group
Contact us if you would like to join these groups.
Residents are requested to contribute R100 per month to the DWRA account.
Funds go to:
- Administrative costs such as website maintenance, printing costs, etc.;
- Camera system deployment for the open areas and strategic entry points into Die Wilgers;
- Legal costs for challenging property developments which are under dispute;
- Other projects.
Bank account details are:
Standard Bank | Business Current Account | Account No. 01-219-076-4
The DWRA Management Team ideally consists of 8 elected (2-year term) and co-opted members of the DWRA. The members serve as volunteers and are not remunerated for their time or other costs.
The registered offices for the DWRA are located, courtesy of ComSafe, at 358 Rossouw St, Murrayfield, Pretoria, 0184.

Die Wilgers
The boundaries of Die Wilgers are the N4 (Northern Boundary), the Bronberg mountain range (Moreleta Nature Reserve) (Southern Boundary), Simon Vermooten Road on the Eastern side and Rubida Road on the West.